Owner/developer: 1636 Glenstone LLC
General contractor: O’Reilly Build LLC
Architect: Buxton Kubik Dodd Creative
Engineers: Anderson Engineering Inc., civil; Miller Engineering PC, structural; Pellham Phillips Architectural Engineering, mechanical, electrical and plumbing
Size: 14,336 square feet
Estimated cost: $2.5 million, per city permit
Lender: Guaranty Bank
Estimated completion: August
Project description: Through 1636 Glenstone LLC, commercial real estate agent and developer Mike Fusek is building a medical office building for tenant AIDS Project of the Ozarks. Paula Howell, office manager for APO, said the nonprofit plans to move operations in September from 1901 E. Bennett St., Ste. D, and sublease about 1,300 square feet to Grove Pharmacy. She said all clinic, case management, prevention, testing and administrative services would relocate in September. With 44 employees, APO serves over 600 clients with HIV/AIDS and their families across 29 counties, according to its website. APO’s weekend office downtown would remain, Howell said. The building is one of O’Reilly Build LLC’s first projects since the merger of O’Reilly Development Co. and Build LLC.